Tips for Improving Scars from Surgery

Treating Scars | East Brunswick, NJIf you just had hand surgery done, the last thing you want to do is show off any battle wounds. Although Dr. Smith will do what he can to make sure that the incisions and scarring are as minimal as possible, there are some things that you can do to take better care of your hands and make them look good as well.


Wear Sunscreen

You may think that sunscreen is only for your face, neck, and shoulders when you’re laying out by the pool, but you should actually keep the skin on your hands protected as well. Your hands are equally as prone to getting sunspots and showing your true age— which is the last thing that you want. Plus, too much sun exposure can darken your surgical scar which will make it more noticeable. Try applying a thin layer of SPF directly on top of your hands anytime you go out; especially if you are driving.

Moisturize Them

Now that winter is over and spring is here, your hands may feel less chapped than they were a few months ago, but they may still feel a little bit dry. To help your hands retain moisture and stay hydrated, apply some hand cream over the top off them after you wash them.

Stretch Them

If you went to hand therapy after surgery, make sure that you continue doing your exercises. Remember that most of the work from hand therapy needs to be done on your end; so, if you don’t do the exercises at home, you’re not going to see the results.

Having strong, beautiful hands after hand therapy is definitely possible. If you want to learn more about how you can take better care of your hands, contact us at our Oakhurst office and call us at (718) 608-1111.

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