Understanding Fat and Collagen Loss

Fat and Collagen Loss East Brunswick, NJAs you age, your skin starts to lose the fat and collagen in it— leaving you with more wrinkles than you care to admit. And although you know it’s old age that causes this to occur, what exactly happens to the fat and collagen? How does it disappear and what is the process? This article will take a closer look at the cell structure of your body and where your collagen and fat goes. Read on to learn more.

The Cell Structure

As soon as you are born, your body consistently produces and reproduces new cells throughout— including your skin. However, as you age, your skin stops producing cells at a fast rate. In your childhood, teens, and twenties, your skin would reproduce new skin cells, and you wouldn’t notice any sun damage or wrinkles because of the consistent cell restructuring and rebuilding taking place. However, the older you get, the less likely your skin is to repair itself due to the slowdown of skin cell production.

Where Does the Fat Go?  

As you get older, your body starts to store fat in unusual places like under your chin. Additionally, at this time, your skin starts to get thinner due to fat loss— leaving you with less elasticity. The main cause of fat loss in your skin is due to hormonal changes. When your blood and lymph node circulate slows down, fat starts to diminish from the face and instead is stored in unwanted areas of your body like your buttocks, upper thighs, and back.

What About the Collagen?

The collagen and elastin in your skin are what makes it bounce back. Consider your skin to be a rubber band; at first, you can snap it, and it instantly holds its form. However, as the rubber band gets more use and ages, it starts to lose that elasticity. The same thing happens to your skin— as you expose it to things like the sun, oxygen, and dehydration, it starts to lose collagen.

If you have started to notice that your skin is losing fat and collagen, Dr. George Philip Smith can help with things like fillers and surgery. To learn more about your options or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. George Philip Smith’s office today!



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