How the Man Bod Is Formed in the Spring

Gynecomastia Surgery Brooklyn, NYYou know the old saying that says, “your summer bod is born in the winter”? Well, here at George Philip Smith’s office, we believe that the man bod is born in the spring. But why? Let’s Take a closer look.

Create a Workout Plan

Whether you prefer cardio or weightlifting, starting a workout plan now will help you get in shape just in time for summer. Now that the weather is heating up, you want to branch out and try something new, then springtime is the perfect time to do that. Just make sure that whatever workout plan that you do decide to go with that you are consistent with it; that way you really get the best results possible.

Get Gynecomastia Surgery

Having man boobs is something that no man wants but that many men have. If you have a condition called gynecomastia in which you have excess breast tissue and fat, then Dr. Smith may recommend surgery to remove it. During this surgery, Dr. Smith will usually make some incisions around the nipple so that scars are concealed. Once the incisions have been made, he will remove excess fat and breast tissue from your chest. The results? A flatter, more masculine looking chest. And, with summer still a few months out, you should have plenty of time to recover from this surgery just in time to show off your chest in public.

Rather than spending your summer hiding under a sweatshirt while everyone else is enjoying the swimming pool and the summer sun, schedule an appointment with Dr. Smith for a gynecomastia surgery evaluation. To learn more, contact our Staten Island office and call (718) 608-1111.


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