How to know if you’re a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery

Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the United States, with more than 300,000 performed each year. Having breast augmentation surgery is a deeply personal decision. Here are some criteria that make someone a good candidate for surgery:


You are physically healthy and your breasts are fully developed. During your consultation, you will discuss your medical history and any current illnesses or concerns that may impede you from having surgery. If you smoke, quit. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you will need to wait six months after you finish breastfeeding for long-lasting results. 


You have realistic expectations and are doing this surgery for you. This is a very personal, life-changing surgery that will permanently alter your body, so it’s important that you are in a healthy frame of mind. It’s important to know that breast augmentation surgery cannot fix body image issues. And you shouldn’t be getting it done if someone else wants you to do it. The decision should be yours alone.


You feel your breasts are too small. Some women have abnormally small breasts, also called micromastia or hypomastia, which is the post-pubertal underdevelopment of a woman’s breast tissue. 


You have lost shape and volume. Pregnancy, significant weight loss not related to pregnancy or even aging can cause breasts to change shape and look deflated. 


One breast is larger than the other or your breasts didn’t develop as expected. Puberty, hormonal changes, and trauma are all reasons for why one breast would be noticeably larger than the other one or why the breasts didn’t develop as expected. Breast augmentation surgery would give you a fuller, more symmetrical look. 


You know the rewards as well as the risks. Breast augmentation surgery can be extremely rewarding and comes with high patient satisfaction. Surgery is generally considered safe. Saline breast implants are FDA-approved for those ages 18 years old and older, while silicone implants are FDA-approved for those ages 22 and older. 


Breast augmentation surgery can help you achieve the larger, fuller breasts you desire. If you live in Staten Island or New Jersey and are considering breast augmentation surgery, call (718) 608-1111 today to set up a consultation

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