What you need to know about carpal tunnel syndrome

If you have noticed a burning, tingling or itching numbness in the palm of the hand and the fingers, you may be experiencing the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. While you will need to see a physician for a diagnosis, here are some signs and symptoms and what you need to know about carpal tunnel syndrome.

What it is

The median nerve runs from the forearm into the palm of the hand. Carpel tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve becomes pressed or squeezed, which sends a sensation to the palm side of the thumb and fingers but not the little finger. You may feel impulses in small muscles in the hand.


The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome start gradually. When you start noticing the tingling and numbness in your fingers and hand, you may say it’s a “pins and needles” feeling, while some say it’s like an electric shock from the wrist to the arm. You may feel weakness in your hand and have trouble holding objects.


There are many factors that can contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome, but it’s hard to find one defining cause. A wrist fracture, swelling and inflammation from rheumatoid arthritis, hormonal changes, and frequent or repetitive movements such as typing or grasping movements are factors.

Diagnosis and treatment

Electrodiagnostic tests will diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome. As far as treatment, there are non-surgical options such as anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy and injection at the site. Surgery consists of enlarging the carpal tunnel to relieve pressure on the median nerve. Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome can relieve the symptoms and restore wrist and hand function.

If you are experiencing the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome and are interested in learning

your treatment options, call (718) 608-1111 to get a consultation in one of our offices in New Brunswick, NJ, Staten Island, NY, and Brooklyn, NY. If you think you have carpal tunnel syndrome, see your doctor early, before the condition progresses and you have permanent nerve and muscle damage.

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