What to Do About Bags Under Your Eyes

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) East Brunswick NJThe last thing that you ever want to hear someone say is, “You look tired.” Why? Because it’s a nice way of saying that you look less than perfect. If you feel like the bags under your eyes always make you look tired even when you’re not,  you may wonder how on earth you can get rid of them. Here at our office, Dr. Smith may recommend either fillers are a lower blepharoplasty.


If the bags under your eyes are caused by a loss of volume in your skin due to either extreme weight loss or age, then we may be able to use injections to help get rid of them. By making strategic injections just underneath the bags under your eyes,k we can help elevate the skin which will make you look more youthful and awake.

A Lower Blepharoplasty

During a lower blepharoplasty, Dr. Smith will remove excess fat and skin from underneath the eyes which will help you get rid of those tired looking bags. But how is this kind of procedure done? Typically, you will be under general anesthesia. Once you are under, Dr Smith will make an incision at the crease just below the eye. The, he will go in and remove excess fat from the area and lift and tighten the skin. Afterwards, he will stitch you up and send you home to recover.

The best way for you to decide on what procedure is best for you is to come into our office for a consultation. During your consultation we will do a brief exam, answer any questions that you have, and help you determine what kind of treatment will give you the best results possible.

To learn more, contact us at our East Brunswick office and call us at (718) 608-1111.

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